I captured this photograph titled "Alaskan Fishermen" in Hoonah, United States, using a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera. The lens employed was an EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM with a 1.4x III extender. I chose aperture priority mode for this shot, with settings of 1/640 shutter speed, f/8.0 aperture, and ISO 125. The focal length was equivalent to 896 mm, and I took this picture on June 24, 2022.

This image portrays the life of Alaskan fishermen, set against the backdrop of Hoonah's unique landscape. It captures the essence of their daily routine, intertwined with the natural beauty and ruggedness of Alaska. The technical choices in camera settings helped in emphasizing the fine details and the environment in which these fishermen work.