The Escadaria Selarón, also known as the Selaron Steps, is a famous set of colorful steps located in the historic Lapa neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The steps were created by the Chilean artist Jorge Selarón as a tribute to the Brazilian people.
The steps feature a colorful mosaic made up of over 2,000 tiles collected by Selarón from over 60 countries around the world. The tiles range in color, pattern, and design, creating a stunning visual display that attracts visitors from all over the world.
Selarón began working on the steps in 1990 as a way to improve the appearance of the run-down neighborhood and honor the Brazilian people. Over the years, he continued to add tiles to the mosaic, often dedicating them to individual people or countries. The steps became a popular tourist attraction and a symbol of the vibrant cultural diversity of Rio de Janeiro.
In 2013, Selarón was found dead on the steps, and it is believed that he committed suicide. Despite his death, the steps remain a beloved landmark and a testament to the artist's creative vision and dedication to the people of Brazil.
Today, the Escadaria Selarón is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Rio de Janeiro, drawing visitors from all over the world to admire its vibrant colors and intricate designs. It is a true masterpiece of public art and a must-see destination for anyone traveling to Rio de Janeiro.